Realize or not sometimes people have some kind of stereotype about other people. Stereotype is a generalization about a person or group of persons; it can be a conventional and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image, based on the assumption that there are attributes that members of the other group hold in common. It is a way of representing and judging other people. People may be grouped according to religion, gender, race, ethnicity or any number of other categories
We usually have our own thinking about negative or positive thing in our life and it also affects our thought about people around us. In my country
I have experienced the thrill because my family is Chinese. I cannot understand why some people have extreme stereotype about other people and try to harm them. If I think about my friends or my neighbors from different races, they are not like that; they do not fit with the stereotypes. Most stereotypes tend to make us feel superior in some way to the person or group being stereotyped. Stereotypes ignore the uniqueness of individuals by painting all members of a group with the same brush. We can not judge people based on their race, the idea is not right and can be destructive. It took more than just look at their race and formed an opinion about what kind of people they are. It is not an easy task, because our society often innocently creates stereotypes and its often lead to unfair discrimination and persecution. But we can change it by change our negative thinking about other people. We should change it if we wish to live in a better world.
The existing issue of stereotyping is still a very big problem of our human being among different races, ethnics, countries. Various reasons for why people sterotyping on others, may due to history, wars, economic unbalanced, eduacational-levle different, et al. Whatever reasons for sterotpy occuring, we dun want to have such thing, wherever. What we can do is to be well educated and educate well next generation.
i agree that stereotyping is a big issue
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